Helmut W. E. Lüdemann

Labor für instrumentelle Analytik






Interne Qualitätssicherung

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check.gif (538 Byte) Kunststoffanalytik
check.gif (538 Byte) Elastomeranalytik
check.gif (538 Byte) Schmierstoffanalytik
check.gif (538 Byte) Umweltanalytik
check.gif (538 Byte) Analytik von Schadstoffen
check.gif (538 Byte) Fertigungskontrolle
check.gif (538 Byte) Prozeßüberwachung
check.gif (538 Byte) Rohstoffkontrolle
check.gif (538 Byte) Wareneingangs- und Ausgangskontrolle
check.gif (538 Byte) Aufklärung von Produktions- und -anwendungsstörungen
check.gif (538 Byte) Materialprüfungen
check.gif (538 Byte) Methodische Entwicklungsarbeiten
check.gif (538 Byte) IR-Spektroskopie
check.gif (538 Byte) Gaschromatographie
check.gif (538 Byte) Röntgenfluoreszenzanalytik
check.gif (538 Byte) Analytik - Inhouse-Seminare in Ihren Laboratorien

Current Price List

X-Ray Fluorescence Analyses (XRFS)

Testing Price Unit Price/Unit (EUR)
Qualitative element determinations per element 9.00
Semi quantitative element determinations per element 18.00

e.g. semi quantitative determination of cadmium, lead, mercury, chromium and bromine according to RoHS

per sample  (5 elements) 90.00
Quantitative element determinations per element 31.00
Analysis of trace concentrations per element depending on effort
In case of insoluble samples (e.g. slags, minerals or pigments  and in case of inhomogeneous samples: plus 1 digestion per sample 33.00


Testing Price Unit Price/Unit (EUR)
Recording of an IR-spectrum (sample preparation like ATR-technics, KBr-pellet included) per IR-spectrum 65.00
Interpretation of IR-spectra (databank searching and reporting included) per IR-spectrum 51.00
Pyrolysis-IR-combination incl. recording and interpretation of IR-spectra of condensed (and vapor phase if necessary) per pyrolysis-IR-combination 125.00
Pyrolysis-IR-combination according to VDA-guideline 675 140 incl. quantitative determination of content of rubber, extractables, carbon black and inorganics; Pyrolysis-IR-combination incl. recording and interpretation of the IR-spectra of the condensed phase per sample 220.00
Determination of the carbonyl content of polyolefines according to method E-46 ( "American Cyanamid-Company") per sample (incl. reference sample) 130.00
Determination of biodiesel content in diesel fuel  (= rapeseed methyl ester resp. RME) according to DIN EN 14078 per sample 75.00


Testing Price Unit Price/Unit (EUR)
GC-analyses are calculated on effort. per hour 105.00
Analysis of fatty acids incl. quantitative reporting per sample 129.00
Content of cyclic siloxanes (D4, D5 + D6) according to REACH  (GC/FID) per sample 195.00
Furfural content  (GC) per sample 132.00
Glycol content according to  DIN 51 375 per single determination 115.00
Determination of  isocyanates monomers according to  DIN 55 956 per sample 135.00
Total carbon emission test according to VW-AUDI PV 3341  (Headspace-GC) per sample and triple determination 155.00

dto.,  5-9 samples/order

per sample and triple determination 140.00

dto.,  > 10 samples/order

per sample and triple determination 124.00
Testing Price Unit Price/Unit (EUR)
Plotting of TGA-curves per sample on request
Plotting of DSC-curves per sample on request
Determination of oxidation-induction-time (OIT) by DSC per sample on request

Flammability Tests / Testing of Combustible Materials

Testing Price Unit Price/Unit (EUR)
Flammability test according to UL 94 per sample 219.00
Flammability test according to DIN 53 438 part 2 (edgeing flame action) per sample 219.00
Flammability test according to DIN 53 438 part 3 (surface flame action) per sample 219.00
Flammability of interior materials according to FMVSS 302 (Motor Vehicle Standard No. 302) per sample 219.00
Testing Price Unit Price/Unit (EUR)
Extractions (e.g. hot extraction according to Twisselmann or soxhlet-extraction per extraction 49.00 - 86.00
Extraction according to VDA-guideline 675 125 per extraction 58.00
Determination of refractive index of fluids per sample 23.00
Determination of drying residue apiece 28.00
Determination of ignition residue (ash content) apiece 28.00
Determination of ignition residue according to  VDA-guideline 675 130 per repeat determination 56.00
Carbon black content according to ISO 1408:1995 apiece 135.00
 Resistance at 500 V apiece 70.00
pH-value apiece 18.00
Pre-separations (liquid chromatography, dialysis, chemical and physical separations, etc.; depending on effort) per hour 105.00
Water content (Karl-Fischer-Titration) per sample 50.00
Water content (xylene distillation) per sample 60.00
Flashpoint according to DIN EN 22 719 (Pensky-Martens) per sample 50.00
Membrane filtration apiece 44.00
Density of fluids per determination 29.00
Density of solids per determination 37.00
Odour test according to VW-AUDI PV 3900 or VDA 270 or Inalfa Engineering Standard IES 60.012 per sample and testing temperature 61.00
Formaldehyde emission test according to VDA 275 or. VW-AUDI PV 3925 per sample and fivefold determination 218.00

5 - 9 samples / order

per sample and fivefold determination 196.00

> 10 samples / order

per sample and fivefold determination 174.00
Overall migration into aqueous food simulants by total immersion according to DIN EN 1186, 82/711 EWG, 93/8 EWG or 2002/72/EG per sample and simulant
(quantity discount on request)
Emission tests according to VW PV 501 80 =  PV 3015, PV 3341, PV 3925 and PV 3900 (one testing temperature) per sample
(quantity discount on request)
Emission tests according to VW PV 501 80 =  PV 3015, PV 3341, PV 3925 and PV 3900 (three testing temperatures (room temperature, 40 °C and 80 °C)) per sample
(quantity discount on request)
Saponification number according to DIN 53 401 per sample 88.00
NCO content according to DIN 53 185, DIN 16 945 or ASTM E 203-96 per sample 79.00
Determination of indentation hardness (Shore A hardness) per sample 29.00
OH number according to DIN 53 240 per sample 89.00
Varnishability test according to VW-standard PV 3.10.7 (paint wetting impairment substances (PWIS)) like silicones per sample 80.00
Other workings (depending on effort) per hour 105.00

Terms of payment: 10 days net.

Minimum order value = 25.00 EUR.

Place of performance and venue: Ratzeburg / Germany

Contact for further information:

Helmut W. E. Luedemann
Laboratory for Instrumental Analysis

Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 16
D-23909 Ratzeburg
Tel.: +49 (0)4541-8038-0
Fax: +49 (0)4541-8038-28
eMail: info@laborluedemann.de


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Seit über 40 Jahren Analytik von Kunststoffen, Elastomeren, Schmierstoffen, Werkstoffen, Schadstoffen, Qualitätskontrolle, Aufklärung von Produktionsstörungen für Sie in unseren Laboratorien.
IR-Spektroskopie - Gaschromatographie - Röntgenfluoreszenzanalysen - Instrumentelle Analytik